Colin Freeman is aged 41 and lives in London. He is the author of two non-fiction books of journalism, "The Curse of the Al Dulaimi Hotel (and other half-truths from Baghdad)", and the forthcoming "Kidnapped: a hostage's life on Somalia's pirate coast". The latter is about the six weeks he spent as a hostage in a cave in Somalia in 2008, surviving on a diet of goat meat, rice and Rothmans and losing about a 10kgs in weight (hence this photo of him looking far leaner than he is now)

Friday 6 May 2011

Was up till midnight last night trying to set this thing up. Jane, my other half, has given me the following encouragement.
"What's the idea of it?" she says.
"It's so that people can get the benefit of my wisdom and experience on all matters foreign."
"Why would anyone want to read that?"

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